Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance (ESG)

The abbreviation ESG stands for "Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance". ABO Energy attaches great importance to ethical, socially responsible and legally compliant business practices. The company's core business is the development of a sustainable, environmentally friendly energy supply. We generate almost 100 per cent of our turnover from activities that contribute to achieving the sustainability goals of the United Nations

All documents and links relevant to ESG compliance are compiled on this page: a whistleblower platform for reporting breaches of regulations and violations of the law, the Supplier Code of Conduct that applies to all suppliers and subcontractors, the Code of Conduct that is binding for employees, and the company's voluntary environmental guidelines.


System for Whistleblowers

To the CCS registration form

Download: Information + instructions on the whistleblower system (pdf)

ABO Energy Code of Conduct

Download: Code of Conduct (pdf)

Supplier Code of Conduct

Download: Supplier Code of Conduct (pdf)

Environmental Guidelines

Environmental Guidelines of ABO Energy GmbH & Co. KGaA

Preamble: General objectives in environmental protection

ABO Energy and its employees are committed to the creation of a renewable energy supply. This goal is based on a comprehensive understanding of the protection of the environment and the natural foundations of life. We strive to turn ecologically conscious thinking and acting into a given within our daily work.


Fields of action

Legal compliance: We are committed to strictly observing laws, standards, and regulations. If it makes sense from our point of view, we also go beyond the legal standard. For example, ABO Energy often voluntarily carries out additional environmental impact assessments for wind energy projects not required by law.


Continuous improvement: We strive to continuously optimise the impact that our work has on the environment. We regularly conduct environmental audits. The results help us to eliminate any deficiencies in the best possible way and to continuously improve.


Employees: We have responsible employees. Through education and an in-house culture of open discussion, we continue to sensitise them to behave in an environmentally friendly and responsible manner.


Environmental/climate protection: Our activities in the company’s core business (construction of plants for the use of renewable energies) directly contribute to climate protection. It is our concern to also act in an environmentally friendly way when implementing these projects (use of regional products, choice of suppliers, etc.).


Other: ABO Energy realises meaningful projects in which ecology and economy are in harmony. We set a good example for our shareholders and customers. We want to fulfil the expectations placed on us regarding ecological behaviour, and also encourage our business partners to act in an environmentally friendly manner.


ESG initiative “ÖKOPROFIT”

ABO Energy has been working for many years to operate sustainably and make a positive contribution to climate protection. The active implementation of ESG topics in our daily work plays a key role for us.

In this context, ABO Energy’s headquarters in Wiesbaden has also participated in the city of Wiesbaden’s ESG initiative ÖKOPROFIT every year since 2016. More than 500 people are employed here, this is around 50 percent of all colleagues worldwide. In 2023, we again successfully completed the program under the expert guidance of the management consultancy Arqum and received the ÖKOPROFIT company award. This makes ABO Energy one of the long-standing “club companies.”

In 2023, the ESG initiative ÖKOPROFIT Wiesbaden was also officially included in the energy efficiency and climate protection network of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. ABO Energy therefore received an additional award this year, together with all other participating “club companies.”

ÖKOPROFIT is a program for corporate environmental and climate protection in which measures are developed and implemented to improve the companies’ performance concerning the environment, climate, and sustainability and to create an initial climate balance sheet. The award as an ÖKOPROFIT company recognises the environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and energy-conscious working methods of the participating companies. As a project developer for renewable energies, it is important to us not only to provide green electricity, but also to act sustainably. We want to continue to improve each year and set ourselves new goals. The regular workshops and consultations provided by ÖKOPROFIT help us a great deal in this respect.

By continuously participating in the program, we have already achieved a lot for our ESG topics: we have been able to optimise our environmental and climate-relevant processes based on an annual inventory. In addition, we have developed strategies with steps to conserve resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the areas of energy, water, waste, mobility, and procurement. In recent years, for example, we have installed a battery storage system and our own e-charging stations for our electric vehicles on the company premises. This has significantly improved the incentive to switch from combustion vehicles to emission-free e-vehicles. We have also introduced an environmental bonus for employees who travel to work in a sustainable way. By the end of 2023, our ESG ECOPROFIT measures will save us 1,311 kWh of electricity, 272,850 kWh of diesel and 83,219 kg of CO2 per year. We would like to further improve this balance in the coming years.

Within the ABO Energy organization, the topic of ÖKOPROFIT Wiesbaden is currently being jointly promoted by the ESG Compliance team in the division of our CFO and the Future Energies department.

The City of Wiesbaden has published further information on the ÖKOPROFIT program on its website (in German).


ISO Certifications 9001 and 45001

Press release: ABO Wind's quality management and occupational safety certified

Download: Certificate ISO 9001 : 2015 (pdf)

Download: Certificate ISO 45001 : 2018 (pdf)

Sustainability Rating

Download: Sustainability Rating (pdf) 


Alexander Koffka

Alexander Koffka

Tel. +49 611 267 65-515
Fax +49 611 267 65-599

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