ABO Wind's quality management and occupational safety certified

ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety)

(Wiesbaden, 27 May 2024) The project developer ABO Wind and its subsidiary ABO Energy Services have received certifications for the standards ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety) from the German Association for the Certification of Management Systems (DQS). Both certifications are important building blocks for the development of ABO Wind’s ESG strategy (“Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance”). As a developer of green energy projects, ABO Wind has always pursued a sustainable business model. The path to the renewable energy parks and storage facilities should also be as sustainable as possible.

In order to obtain an ISO 9001 certification, an organisation must provide evidence of the introduction of a quality management system. The certification confirms that ABO Wind first plans, then acts, then reviews the results in order to make improvements where necessary.

An ISO 45001 certification focuses on the health and safety of employees and demonstrates to customers the high-quality execution of the tasks assigned to ABO Wind. To this end, the company has developed a management system that minimises the risk of accidents and work-related illnesses. For a company like ABO Wind, whose employees work in electrical installations and on energy park construction sites, this certification is particularly valuable.

All divisions of the German parent company were involved in the certification process, with process representatives managing the participation of the individual divisions. A dedicated Quality Management team was in charge of the current certification and continues to take care of the annual renewal of the certificate.

“We are very pleased to have successfully completed the certification process. Our business partners can now recognise at a glance which international standards we comply with in the areas of quality management and occupational safety,” says Dirk Hübner, ABO Wind’s General Manager responsible for Corporate Accounting & Financial Services. “This brings us a big step closer to realising our ESG goals.”

ABO Wind is already starting to work on their next goals: The company plans to obtain further certifications for environmental management systems as well as certificates for its international subsidiaries.


Lena Fritsche

Lena Fritsche

Tel. +49 611 267 65-617
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